Science Monthly 200909
Cover of Science Monthly issue 447 - Evolutionary Biology in Taiwan featured research on The coevolution of treehoppers and ants in our lab.

TV Interview (in Chinese)

Pachyrhynchus Weevils 2018/05/28
TVBS show web page

Radio Interview (in Chinese)

國立教育廣播電台 - 自然有意思

Popular Science Articles

(Disclaimer: Copy rights of articles belong to publishers, please download copies of pdf for your personal use only)

Science Media Center Taiwan 即時回應 生物醫療, 2020/05/26. 劍橋研究新型冠狀病毒源於美國專家意見

Taiwan Factcheck Center 事實查核報告#466, 2020/05/18. 【錯誤】網傳「英國最新研究證實新冠病毒是美國來的,並非武漢本地發生」?

TheScientist, 2018/12/04. Flower Beetle Fight in News.

Tseng, H-Y., C-P. Lin, J-Y. Hsu and W-S. Huang 2014. Jewels of Islands: Pachyrhynchus. Scientific American, 201408, p2-4, in Chinese.

Lin, C-P. 2010. Population estimate of a threatened stag beetle, Lucanus datunensis in Yangmingshan National Park (a poster in Chinese), Yangmingshan National Park, 2010/03/31.

Lin, C-P. 2009. Coevoution of Treehoppers and Ants (in Chinese), Science Monthly, 2009/09 issue, vol. 447, p. 694-701. (web link).

Lin, C-P. 2009. Foreword of the Undergraduate Thesis Symposium (in Chinese), Department of Life Sciences, Tunghai University.

Lin, C-P. 2009. Darwin & Natural History Study (in Chinese), Taiwan Environmental Information Center, 'Darwin 200'. (web link)

Lee, Y-H. and C-P. Lin. 2008. A brief introduction of studies and methods for a speciation model with gene flow (in Chinese). Biological Sciences. 51(1): 10-20. English Abstract.

Huang, P-S., H-C. Lin, C-P. Lin, I-M. Tso. 2007. The effects of forestry management on invertebrate diversity. Forestry Research Newsletter. 14(1):20-22.